Lemax provide you with insightful reports to track your travel business performance. Get insights into sales, marketing, products, suppliers, customers and employees.
Tour and Group profitability
Having troubles understanding the profitability of complex travel products like tours, groups or packages? Use our powerful reporting engine to get accurate profitability reports on each product.
Customer purchase history
Get detailed information about previously created reservations of each customer to gain a better understanding of customers behavior.
Use reports to identify the most lucrative customers and direct your marketing efforts towards them.
Supplier performance reports
Get insights into revenue you achieve for each supplier and renegotiate a better commission from them based on your sale results.
Profit and loss reports
Get a better understanding of profitability for each of your travel products, customers or travel agents you work with and your department or branch office by comparing selling prices with contracted prices uploaded into Lemax.
Upon entering supplier invoices, you will be able to see exact earnings as contracted prices may differ from prices invoiced by suppliers.

Accounting, operations and inventory reports
Accounts receivable and payable
Manage customer and supplier payments and invoices. Stay on track with actual earnings, amounts owed and debts.
Operations report
Replace your Excel files with our operations reports to ensure all travellers get the services they ordered. Get a centralized overview of all booked services and products. Quickly identify unconfirmed reservations.
Availability reports
Get detailed information about available number of rooms, flight and bus seats. Order additional inventory when needed. Easily avoid overbooking situations.
Employee performance reports
The system provides an overview of employee performance. Use the information to award and motivate employees.
Check results by comparing how much revenue each employee generated in a specific period and identify employees achieving the best margins.

Other reports
- Reservation reports
- Reports by selling channel
- Corporate travel reports
- Number of nights reports
- Best selling periods
- Most profitable destinations
- Flight ticket reports
- Passenger lists
- Rooming lists
- Flight and transfer lists
- Payment reports
- Coupon code reports