Lemax is a place where people come to make a difference and grow their careers. Here’s the story of Ivan, Junior Software Developer at Lemax.
1. Tell us a bit about your role.
I’m developing new features, fixing existing bugs and code reviewing to my colleagues. In short, working in a team whose main goal is to develop a quality product to satisfy our customers and one that we can be proud of.
2. What did you do before Lemax?
I have been working in Lemax for 2.5 years. Before that, I was a student mostly doing some classic student jobs, unrelated to IT. Lemax was my first real job in my profession. I really wanted to get a job where I would start brushing up and applying the knowledge I gained at university to real-world projects.
I love the fact that every person in Lemax strives to do everything with the highest level of quality.
3. How did your career growth at Lemax happen?
When I first came to Lemax, I was a student, working as Document modifications and design specialist, aiming to be a software developer. This position introduced me to the company mindset and I gained an understanding of how much every little detail is important.
After little more than a year, I felt like there was not much more to learn and that I should shift to something more demanding. So I started working as a technical support specialist where I was supporting our clients as well as colleagues with technical knowledge. I always loved solving problems and this role really gave me an opportunity to help our customers to resolve every issue they encountered. I learned so much about our software – code, application, infrastructure, and all the processes that are involved in it.
After some time, I felt like I reached the ceiling again and that I should start focusing on my developer career. I initiated this idea with my team leader. It didn’t go as fast as I expected, for justified reasons, but I soon got a chance to start fixing bugs and prove my abilities. Soon, I got promoted to a Junior Software Developer at Lemax. I was a bit scared because I didn’t have any experience in coding. But I was just as much excited because this was something I really wanted to do and I see myself building my career around it.

4. What do you love most about your job?
I always felt great creating something new and seeing it work as I intended to, solving problems, and perfecting every little thing. Programming gives me a chance to do all of it and I really enjoy it. I love the fact that every person in Lemax strives to do everything with the highest level of quality.
5. Where do you see you have grown the most as a professional and a person during your career in Lemax?
This company really gives you a chance to improve in so many different fields, from communication, organization, teamwork and other soft and technical skills. I think I have grown in all of them, but I grew the most in communication and technical skills. I think that one of the most important soft skills is the ability to express your thoughts clearly and understandably to everyone to avoid misunderstandings. To know how to do this is such a time saver!
6. Give us a book recommendation – a book that has changed your career or life.
The one I’m currently reading I would recommend to any programmer. It focuses on code quality and makes you understand why one practice is better than another. The name of the book is Code complete by Steve McConnell. It is a book that every developer should read.
7. Who is your role model and why?
I don’t have a role model as such, just a person I have always admired. As a football lover, I always considered Lionel Messi as something else. His football skills are magnificent, but what always amazed me is how much he is enjoying doing what he does. I think that the most important thing to be great at your job is to enjoy doing it. He is also a great example of a down-to-earth person, which is something that I really admire in people.
8. What is Ivan like in his free time?
I like to spend time with my family and friends, but also like to learn new things and improve my programming skills. When I’m not doing either of those, I’m most probably watching some good TV comedy or working out. Scrolling through funny memes on social media is also something I’m very familiar with.