Project: Implemenation of ISO standards at Lemax d.o.o.
Contract number: KK.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
User: Lemax d.o.o.
Partners: none
Short project description: The introduction of ISO standards at Lemax d.o.o. directly addresses the problems of Lemax’s lack of competitiveness in the market caused by deficiencies in the organization of business processes and quality standards within the company.
Through the project “Implemenation of ISO standards at Lemax d.o.o.”, the company introduced and certified the following ISO standards: ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 – IT Services Management, ISO 27001:2013 – Information Technologies – Information security management systems, and ISO/IEC 9001:2015 – Quality Management System. By introducing these standards, the company implemented an effective product-oriented quality management system (ISO/IEC 9001:2015), and has also established a standardized system that includes the development, delivery and enhancement of services to meet expected requirements (ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011), as well as a system for the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a documented information security management system (ISO 27001:2013).
Objectives and results of the project:
The result of the project is the introduction of three quality management systems/business processes in the company that will achieve the project objectives:
- Strengthening confidence of customers in the company and product
- Possibility of better placement of the software, especially on the international market of developed countries and larger enterprise clients
- Standardization of the application of laws, regulations and contractual requirements regarding information security
- Improvement of processes in the Sales department
- Securing a system with clearly planned roles and responsibilities
- Structuring the entire business
Project implementation period: November 9th, 2018 – November 9th, 2019
Total value of the project: HRK 392.772,49
EU co-financing value: HRK 213.720,77
Project Manager: Mate Kostovski
Contact for more information:
Nataša Kapov Kostovski
Lemax d.o.o.
Remetinečka cesta 139
10000 ZAGREB
E: natasa.kapov@lemax.net
The content of this website is the sole responsibility of Lemax d.o.o. and does not represent official opinions of the European Union.
Read more about funding here: www.strukturnifondovi.hr