Lemax Blog - Travel Business Best Practices

The latest business-to-business advice and other relevant information for tourism companies.


How to Write a Travel Blog: 10 Quick Tips

Blogging is a low-cost option for high influence web presence, especially for small business owners. Here’re 10 tips to help you write a travel blog that will pop up on Google search and keep your audience glued to their screens.

Six Ways of Improving Marketing in a Travel Company

If you’re managing a travel agency or a tour operator business, you know how difficult it is to stand out and be unique. Creating marketing strategies and gathering new ideas is a lot of hard work, while competitors keep poping-up from every corner. It’s no secret that marketing in a travel company is a complex and

Travel Agency System: Five Things It Must Have

In the past two decades, technology has altered every aspect of how we live our lives. It has automated how we work, socialize, and go about. It’s also changed how people travel, which means the way travel agencies operate started changing as well. Tasks and processes you used to perform manually in a travel agency,