Lemax Blog - Travel Business Best Practices

The latest business-to-business advice and other relevant information for tourism companies.


Star Turist travel website gets a makeover

The new website of the Star Turist travel agency has been launched. Please visit www.starturist.hr to see the changes and the fresh new look, guaranteed to provide a better user experience for anyone browsing. Star Turist is a travel agency from Croatia situated in the city of Karlovac. Its offer includes both incoming products, such

Lemax Software on Tnooz

An article about eleven things you need to think about when choosing the correct travel software for your travel company, written by a member of the Lemax Software team, Mario Mucalo, has been published on www.tnooz.com. We are proud of our cooperation with the Tnooz project, as we read their work constantly and find them to be

How to define different prices based on the number of items

Lemax Software is constantly growing. We have recently discussed our billing types with one of our potential customers and realized that we have missed out on a very important feature. In case you have products that you are selling on a “per item” basis, like skiing lessons, baby cots, parking spaces… you sometimes need to

How to migrate to the new travel software

It is really important to prepare your company when migrating to the new travel agency software or tour operator software, otherwise, your project of moving to the new travel software might fail and you might end up blaming your software vendor and their product for the losses. We have seen numerous travel companies fail to

Reservation management – the most important part of a travel software

If you need to define one most important thing about any travel software, it would have to be reservation management. That beautiful user interface, those awesome reports, those interactive photo galleries… those are just extras. The core of any travel business are the actual reservations and the reservation management. Reservation management processes differ from one

Training staff for using travel software

People believe that if they buy travel software, all their problems will magically disappear. A software system will not do the work. People using the software system will do the work. If you choose the right system for your travel business, they should do the work faster and easier. But a very important thing, often neglected by

Currencies, currencies…

We are still working hard in Lemax to make your tourism business run smoothly. We have another improvement for all our users (and future users!). Lemax Software normally supports multiple currencies, that function based on the exchange rate that you put into your system. For some of our clients we have developed systems that do