Lemax Blog - Travel Business Best Practices

The latest business-to-business advice and other relevant information for tourism companies.



We are happy to announce that we made a rebranding! We wanted to renew our impact and to reflect the growth of our whole company. That means – the growth of our knowledge, employees performances, accessing new markets, new potential and new opportunities.  After making over 200 improvements last year, we are proud of our

Second step of implementing travel software? Management support!

We wrote about 5 basic steps of implementation of new travel software. The first step was the culture of a company, and the second step of a successful implementation of travel software starts and ends at the “top”. The company simply cannot achieve success without the full involvement of management. Without support from the top,

What is the first step of implementing a travel software? Company’s culture!

Implementing travel software isn’t a one-time deal, it’s a continuous process that needs to be accepted by the whole organization. It’s difficult for a company to adopt new travel software if a different one, or none at all, was used previously.  Looking from the business perspective, we wrote about training your staff for using travel

Why You Should Change Your Tour Operator Software

We have seen many prospects having outdated tour operator software that does not fit their needs, but they are reluctant about changing it. They are not even aware that this might be a huge problem when trying to keep up with their competitors. Here are the top reasons you should change your tour operator software:

Integrate online booking software with a travel website

This story starts off with a complete website. You have invested a lot of effort and money to make it work, it has good page ranks and search engine standings, and it basically does everything you need it to. When you had it made, you were only thinking of promoting your company on the web.

How to treat corporate clients

We are all very happy when we manage to win in bidding and sign a contract with a big company. Of course it is a big success, but we have to be aware that it is just a starting point in the cooperation with corporate clients. Hard work has just begun. Corporate clients have some special

You Can Now Subscribe to Lemax Software Blog by Email

We have been listening to our audience, and working hard as well, and have added the option to subscribe to the Lemax Software blog by email. This will allow you to receive updates about any new articles published on that day directly to your mailbox, which will make following the news and updates about Lemax Software

How to optimize a website for search engines

Moving your page up in Google search results has become a science of its own. However, that one place makes a great difference in number of people visiting your website, learning of your company and ending up as your customers. So, how to get there? How to optimize a website for search engines? Search engine