Despite the numerous articles on post-Covid travel demand predictions made by industry experts (some of them we summarized on our blog, too), until now we were missing first-hand information from actual travelers. We knew the pent-up demand was present, but we were unaware of the extent of it.
How much do people miss traveling? What are their plans for the post-Covid era? Are they going to change the way they organize their trips? Will their choice of destination be dependant on vaccination progress in the given country?
To find out, earlier this month we created a survey and shared it on our social channels. Of more than 100 travelers who provided answers, 70% plan to travel internationally in 2021! This is a very positive indicator that tourism stands a big chance already in 2021.
Additionally, the results have shown a big increase in Travel Agent services demand – from 7% of people using Travel Agent services before Covid, 21% plans to use the services post-Covid.
“I will expect the travel agency to lead me through the process with all the new rules” explained one of the survey responders.
To see what else travelers have to say about post-Covid travel demand, check out the infographic below!